Morgantown Blades

All of our Blades teams from 8U - 18U play in the Pittsburgh Amateur Hockey League (PAHL) and play against other teams from the Pittsburgh region. 10U - 18U will play 20 games in the regular season (10 home and 10 away) and may be eligible for post season playoffs. 8U generally plays 5 - 10 Jamborees (cross ice style games) per season.
Most teams also opt to play in tournaments throughout the season and these are a great opportunity for further player and team development. Our teams have played in tournaments in Pittsburgh, Columbus, Hershey, Buffalo, and Washington, DC, just to name a few.

Registration Fees
Annual fees start at $440/season for 8U.
10U and above are $935/season.

Our travel teams are for players aged 4 - 18. We recommend that players participate in one of our Learn to Skate or Learn to Play programs prior to joining the travel program.
Our season typically runs from mid-August through the end of March.
Practices are held at the Morgantown Ice Arena. Teams play a mix of home games, which are also held at the Morgantown Ice Arena and away games, which are generally located in the greater Pittsburgh region.
Our 10U - 18U teams generally practice 2 times per week in the evenings, Monday - Thursday. Our 8U - 10U teams also get a third night a week on the ice with our skill development programs.
All players are required to have two jerseys (one white home jersey and one blue away jersey) and the matching socks. These items can be ordered through our vendor, K&B Outfitters. K&B also offers the navy warmups that many of the players like to wear to and from the rink.
Home jersey (white) and Away jersey (navy)

Our 10U - 18U co-ed teams typically play 20 games for their seasons within PAHL. Our 8U teams participate in about 10 Jamborees per season. The number of games our girls team play in depends on the number of teams in their age division.

2022-23 12U Girls team brings home the championship trophy at the Laurel Tournament in Greensburg, PA.

Extra Costs
Registration fees cover the ice fees for practices and games, along with costs for Referees and EMTs for all home games.
If teams opt to do tournaments, those costs are covered by the team, not MHA. Teams can do various fundraisers to help offset these costs, but there may be some additional out of pocket expenses for these items.

8U Beach Bash, Ocean City, MD
Are there ways that individuals or teams can fundraise to help cut costs?
Yes! There are many different ways this can be done. Please visit our fundraising page by clicking the link below.
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 hockey season for the Morgantown Blades travel teams. Please fill in all the required information to register your player. Please note, you will need to update your USA Hockey number for the 2024-2025 prior to the start of the season. USA Hockey registration will open on April 1, 2024. Please visit https://membership.usahockey.com/ to sign up.